When we think about oral health, the first thing that often comes to mind is regular dental checkups, teeth cleaning, or possibly orthodontic care.
For patients suffering from severe tooth loss or ill-fitting dentures, All-on-4 dental implants provide a permanent, natural-looking solution to restore function and confidence. At Robert C.
Choosing the right oral surgeon is an important decision. The office of Robert C. Doht, DDS, PC has a well-earned reputation for exceptional skill and a patient-centered approach.
If you’re having a procedure with our oral surgeon at Robert C.
The vast majority of people can go to an oral/maxillofacial surgeon or other dental professional without any preparation.
Smoking cigarettes is a popular pastime. Fathom this: In the United States, people light up 600 billion times annually. It’s common knowledge that tobacco use is the main cause of lung cancer.
Laser dentistry offers numerous advantages over traditional techniques, making it an invaluable tool in a wide range of oral surgery procedures.
Children develop 20 teeth. As youngsters become older, the 20 primary teeth fall out and are replaced by 32 adult teeth. Some people, though, grow extra, unwanted teeth.
An odontoma, also known as a dental hamartoma, forms when dental tissue overgrows or grows irregularly.
Routine visits to your family dentist are fine for routine exams and cleanings. But what about more serious issues affecting complex issues affecting your oral health?
When people think about cancer, many of them don’t know that there are various types of oral cancers.
Let’s not even imagine a world without oral and maxillofacial surgeons.
You’ve surely heard the term “tongue-tied” when someone is unable to speak due to shyness, embarrassment or surprise. But are you aware that tongue-tie is an actual birth condition?
An oral surgeon, also called an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS), is a highly trained dental surgeon.
Regular visits to your family dentist play an important role in supporting oral health. The importance of periodic examinations and professional cleanings can’t be overstated.
Wisdom teeth, the latecomers to your dental party, often stir curiosity and even anxiety. What's the story behind these mysterious third molars?
If you’ve been referred to our oral surgeon at Robert C.
As you embark on your journey towards optimal oral health and a confident smile, certain procedures like bone grafting might come into focus.
Just as traumatic injuries can occur to the body, they can also occur in and around the mouth.
Chins come in a vast array of shapes and sizes.
Tonsillectomies used to be a rite of passage for children. These days, however, the number has shrunken to 500,000.
If you are experiencing dental pain, it’s important to get prompt, skilled and reliable care. At the office of Robert C.
This recognition month was created to raise awareness of oral and oropharyngeal (the back of the oral cavity and upper throat) cancers.
Bone grafts play an important role in a variety of dental and medical procedures carried out by oral/maxillofacial surgeons (OMS).
Gums (gingivae) play a crucial part in good oral health. Their dense tissue seals our teeth, protects the soft tissues underneath and covers the roots.
Do you know what oral/maxillofacial surgeons specialize in?
As one of the most common surgeries performed on American children, a tonsillectomy is practically a rite of passage. Adults may also benefit from having their tonsils removed.
If you are unhappy with one or more facets of your face’s structure, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon can alter it using implants.
Third molars are called “wisdom teeth” because they usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 21.
Oral surgery refers to any surgical procedure carried out on teeth, gums, jaws or other regions that are part of the oral cavity.
The mouth and its many components work together to allow us to chew, swallow and speak. Sometimes, however, people are born with a frenulum that’s too big or too tight.
Third molars, which are our four rearmost molars, were indispensable when humans subsisted on roots, nuts and raw meat.
When a mass or a protrusion of tissue starts growing on a face or jaw, many people fear of the worst.
Oral surgery refers to an operation done on your teeth, gums, jaw, as well as the oral and facial structures that surround them.
Solid nights of sleep allow your body and mind to recharge. Peaceful slumber also helps the body stay healthy and stave off diseases.
The path to getting full or partial dentures is not always straight. Some oral conditions must be rectified before the prosthetics can be placed.
Despite their lofty name, the presence of wisdom teeth do not confer upon their hosts any particular insight or intelligence.
There are circumstances under which a tooth is no longer viable and needs to be extracted.
Many children and dogs are attracted to each other because of their innate playfulness and sense of curiosity. Unfortunately, however, kids’ interactions with dogs can also become dangerous.